Here are some solutions we have found to frequently asked questions from our members. If you don't see your question here please contact us and we will get back to you within 1 business day.
How do I access my online course after purchasing?
After you login through to our members area, the navigation on the left side will have a section called “My Courses”. Click here and you will see a list to the right, click “View Program” to start your course and come back any time to continue where you left off.
Not seeing your course?
Sometimes you'll need to clear your browsers cache after purchasing a membership course. Follow these instructions by Wix and if you still can't access your course please contact us to help.
Returning Students
A membership subscription is required for access to online course content. If you cancelled your membership or it expired, you can continue access to your paid courses by renewing your membership as a Returning Student.
Membership Cancellation
If you choose to cancel your membership, you will continue to have access to online courses till the end of the month. Your online courses will remain in your account if you choose to return.