Kung Fu Conditioning
This class will be for strength conditioning, flexibility, and creating a foundation in Kung Fu. Expect stretching, push ups, sit ups, pull ups, jumping, jogging, stances, striking, kicking, and body conditioning. This 10 day class was originally conducted with an every other day schedule lasting over the spread of 20 days. It is a great way to get back in shape if it has been awhile since you have worked out, and it will kickstart you into a good daily training regime.
The unique training methods of traditional Kung Fu bring the body into complete fitness from the muscles, to the tendons/ligaments, to the bones. Although the methods appear to be for external training, the internal aspects of qi and blood conditioning are inseparable and present.
Appropriate for ages 13-50 (some exceptions can be made).
This course includes 10 class recordings of 1 hour each, plus homework assignments each day, a total of 10 hours of instruction.